Sunday, July 19, 2009


I've been complaining about my rangagas's hair getting longer and longer every weekend when I pakto pakto with him. So that Saturday afternoon...i brought him to this little barber shop in Tanjung Aru after lunch. Ian gets his haircut at the same shop....eheheheee now it's rangagas turn to get his as well. The next day, I had my haircut done too at A Cut Above in Karamunsing. Here are the shots taken from my humble mobile phone...yg cikai-cikai punya shots. Hope you all like it :)
Kedai Gunting Rambut Ekonomi YII QIE at Tanjung Aru shoplot
RM8 only...for kids RM5, murah ooo...
see...i told u so, u reli need haircut babe :p
almost done! the "not so happy face" of my rangagas bcoz the guy cut his hair too short
the waiting...
Extra chairs outside the barber shop for customers to wait for their turn
@ A Cut Above, Karamunsing....RM36 for wash and haircut,
cost so much more than what my rangagas paid for his haircut LOL
Yep...i trimmed out those unwanted curls and frizz ;)

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