hmm...i wonder how is it being down there?
...and i wonder how is it being up there?
I've been working in Hospitality industry since 1998, started as trainee & then assistant bar in 1999-2000...stop working for a while to get my Diploma. By 2003, all I have in mind that time was to work in either restaurant or at the reception in one of the leading resorts in KK, but I got the opportunity to work as coordinator in communications department instead. I have no idea what communications in hotel line does, I was totally blur took me only 5 years to be part of the management team. I work really hard to where I am now...been thru a lot of shit when I was just a coordinator and know exactly how it feel being just a staff... no one notice you or even remember your name. Sad thing was when I did a great job, other people gets the crowning glory..duh! Nevertheless though I'm really piss at this moment because my mind really jammed with my next year marketing budget...(psst dun tell ma bos m blogging LOL) I love what I'm doing despite all the bitterness that I have to swallowed...yeah I complaint a lot about work and stuff but I'm planning to move up further. Probably one day I can do my own stuff that I like...freelance PR consultant maybe and work harder... or marry a rich guy and stop working gossh...nah tats so not me! The only thing that I'm passionate more apart from my camera is my job...time to move on..had enough with my current post, I need another step to move up further....wink wink :)
finally!! welcome to blogging haha
hahahaaaa...lama oredi this tapi teda masa mo have to coz i want to promote my photography collections :p
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